
hello beautiful soul

I work with all humans who are searching for a new way of Being, to create new possibilities. To shift from simply surviving, to having a healthy, abundant relationship with self through empowering you to recognize and embrace the potency & magic of your own innate gifts.

Nature is My Temple. The Earth, My Altar.
~ Lisa Dee

Connect With Nature
Whether it’s your own backyard, the forest, a park, the ocean. Take in the beauty and power of each living creation and remind yourself that you too hold a unique blueprint. Give yourself gratitude and love in this moment.

Goddess Ishtar
Goddess of love and sexuality who also asks for you to love yourself enough to say NO when a person or thing doesn’t align with your values. Saying no is a superpower. Honour your knowing.
This card comes up when you’re being guided to remember your inner strength. Think about the obstacles you’ve already overcome and feel empowered to continue on your healing path. You are brave. You are courageous.

Empowering Incantation
Start your day with a positive mindset.
I am abundant. I am blessed. My confidence soars beyond what I’ve ever experienced. My heart is full of grace. I cast away all shadows of self doubt.
Finish These Sentences
1. If I truly loved myself I would….
2. I feel most in time with my body and the Divine when...
3. The thing/s that make me happiest are…
Now go and create those things that make you sing!
